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What Xavier’s School actually is falls under the category of ‘all of the above, plus more’. The ‘gifts’ of the students are X-Factor mutations, so in addition to receiving a proper academic education, the real primary purpose of the school is to provide a safe haven for mutants young and old to learn how to control and refine their abilities, where possible, and to learn how to live with them, where not. The ultimate goal of Charles Xavier is to see a world where mutants and non-mutants live in a peaceful, integrated society, and he sees education as the primary tool by which to accomplish this. Under his eye, young mutants learn to accept their abilities as gifts that come with both benefits and responsibilities, and to use those gifts with tolerance and compassion to benefit both themselves and the world around them. So, in addition to physics, a student might find themselves sitting down to Introductory Psionic Theory, Phys Ed includes a self-defence component in addition to dodge ball, and friendly pick-up games of soccer out on the lawn include the addition of ‘powers or no powers’ to the set-up rules. Beyond that, Xavier’s School remains very much a school full of teenagers like you might find anywhere else. Except for that jet that lives under the basketball court. New students are not immediately told by the faculty that anything interesting and superhero goes on while the students aren’t looking, but the faculty doesn’t try to silence the older students either. Rather than an environment of don’t ask, don’t tell, one of ‘ask, and we’ll tell you’ exists instead. A student who’s been at Xavier’s School for a year or so probably knows all about the fact that some of the faculty are what the other kids have dubbed ‘X-Men’, that there is a place called the ‘danger room’ and what it does, and that stuffy old Professor Summers actually flies a pretty bitchin’ stealth jet. They probably don’t know what the X-Men do from day to day, and they’re encouraged to go out into the world and make something of themselves, post-graduation, but there’s always a small percentage that wants to stay on and join the team. The team, however, picks its trainees, not the other way around. On the security front, Xavier’s School is probably some of the most unobtrusively-monitored and guarded property this side of the White House and possibly even moreso. While everything is slanted with an eye towards subtlety, the gates and the exterior fence have cameras, scanners and monitoring equipment installed to create a solid perimeter. The woods around the mansion are sprinkled with still more cameras and sensors. The lower levels of the school, in addition to featuring myriad escape tunnels, can also be locked down to create an emergency bunker with emergency supplies to feed the students and staff for three weeks. The medical bay can be converted to Biohazard Level 3 standards with the press of a button, and Biohazard Level 4 (The level that Ebola Virus is classed at.) with a few hours’ prep time. Retinal, fingerprint and other biometric security scans are in place on the below-ground levels, restricting access to the Danger Room, Cerebro chamber, Blackbird hangar and, if necessary, the medical bay. All of security systems and cameras can be monitored and controlled by a single person in the control room located on sublevel B3 of the school. After no less than two attacks on the school grounds during the expanse of the game’s history alone, such tight security is only expected, after all. It is not an impenetrable fortress, but anyone getting in past the fence line will be seen coming.