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Rather than house logs on our server, we have an extensive community of character livejournals that house logs. Some are full of "IC" entries, some are full of logs, but most have both! We strongly encourage prospective applicants to look at several character journals and read through logs to get a feel for not only our style, but also for MUCK current events. Some recommended ones are: Have at them, and if you keep an LJ for your character, add 'xmen muck' (in that exact form) to your interests to include yourself on the list. Also, feel free to join the _xmenmuck_ community to keep up to date on things. For those who are considering joining our LJ clan, we do have a couple requests. As you can see, the majority of our journals are named following an 'xmm_charactername' convention. It makes finding your journal a lot easier. Also, for our FC characters, should you decide to leave the game, we'd appreciate you not deleting the journal and emailing us the password, so that we can pass it on to the next player. LJ does not recycle deleted names, and there are only so many reasonable variations new players can come up with. |