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1)  Thou shall have no other leader but Magneto; his word is law.

In order to join the faction, you must share some (if not all) of the following beliefs:

  • Mutant supremacy; that Homo superior is far better than Homo sapiens and that those subjected to the former should not be ashamed of their mutations.

  • Fight for mutant freedom; using violence as a means to achieve your goals

  • Be prepared to make sacrifices (preferably in human form) in order to fulfill this ideal.

  • Pity is a weakness, as are most other emotions. Cold, calculating actions are best.

2)  Once you’re in, that’s it.

  • If you are lucky enough to be allowed into the Brotherhood, be prepared to leave your old life behind.

  • This means that, once you join the BoM, you move to the island and are from then on a part of the 'cult' like status of the faction. Apartments on the mainland, previous jobs and all else are left behind as you are now asked to dedicate yourself to Magneto's cause

  • Attempting to leave or quit will make you a liability to the faction, and as such, you will be terminated. Being the radicals that we are, we certainly do not need more trouble - caused by ex-members dishing out secrets - on our hands.

3)  The Island is extremely private property.

  • Non-Brotherhood members are not allowed on or near the Island. This is a secret lair; a private retreat. Disclosing the location of the island to anyone outside of the Brotherhood is forbidden, and punishable by death.

  • Visitors are NOT welcome. Other than recruits brought in by Mystique, Sabella, Toxin, or Magneto, the guards will attempt to terminate anyone else on sight.

  • Recruits are not allowed to leave without permission or accompaniment from a senior member, or Magneto himself. Visits to the mainland should be few and very far between, and will not always be granted, particularly if a member asks for trips frequently.

  • Leaving the island without permission is expressly forbidden. Not only is it extremely suspicious, it’s a direct violation of the Rules, and individuals who decide to do it anyway will be heavily punished, or even killed.

4)  What you do off island is your own business.

  • Those TP's that have nothing to do with the BoM should be clearly marked as such. Magneto will only take responsibility for the actions of his followers for those schemes that he has personally sanctioned. Anything else and you are on your own.

  • This basically means that if you get captured or go to jail for something you’ve done on your own, you may wind up stuck there for a while. So if you’ve got something in mind, you might want to talk to Brotherhood staff before you run off and do it.

5)  Bitter rivals till the end.

  • They were friends once, sure - and they will work together again from time to time, but any fraternizing with the enemies (I.e., particularly with the X-men) will lead to some serious consequences.

6)  Respect, or: How not to get yourself killed on your first day.

  • Apart from absolute loyalty to him and to his cause, Magneto also requires your respect-both IC'ly as your fearless leader, and OOC'ly as a fellow player and human being.

  • You will be amazed to see how nice the old man can be when everyone treats him the way he believes he should be treated - he's really not such a bad guy after all. He just has certain beliefs and demands the most from his followers in order to accomplish those ideals. Just like any other boss, actually - except for the fact that this one will crush your skull if you happen to goof up one too many times.

  • This goes for any senior member of the Brotherhood as well.

7)  Fellow Recruits.

  • Outside of training exercises, recruits are not to threaten or harm each other while on the island. You are expected to respect each other as equals.

  • Those who choose to engage in personal disputes will be punished separately or together, depending upon the nature of the dispute, but they will be punished. This is a Brotherhood, not a Loosely Knit Bunch of Weekend Friends That Kind've Don't Like Humans. If you can't tolerate each other, then avoid one another, but keep in mind that you will be working together at some point.

8)  Exceptions.

  • There are, occasionally, exceptions to some of these rules. I prefer to avoid them as much as possible, but am not entirely closed off to the idea of things being shaken up a little from time to time.

  • If you have something in mind, talk to me or to Brotherhood staff, and we’ll fill you in on how plausible your particular exception would be. Again, keep in mind that these are extremely rare. Almost every Brotherhood recruit lives and trains on the island.

9)  Consequences.

  • XMM is limited consent. What this means for you is that – while we like to give OOC warnings and talk things over before scenes and actions get to a certain point - you will be playing in a faction full of people who have few reservations about hurting and killing others. If you want to poke Creed in the eye with a stick, don’t expect much pity from anyone when he rips your arm off and makes you eat it. You probably should have seen it coming.

  • Magneto tends to rule with an iron fist, as do most of his senior recruits. If you break a rule, you are going to be punished for it. If you break a big enough rule and we’ve warned you about it before, your character will probably be killed. This is the Brotherhood, remember?

10)  The BoM: An OOC perspective

  • XMM is a game, and people play games for fun - including yours truly. ICly, the Brotherhood island may be a pretty unforgiving place to live, but OOCly, we're a reasonable bunch. Don't be afraid to ask questions if you have them. It's best to ask beforehand than it is to be stuck in an unpleasant situation later on. Shoot me or a staffer a page #mail if none of us happen to be on when curiosity strikes.

  • If a character starts to head down a path in an RP that could lead to them suffering harsh IC consequences, more often than not, you will be warned once or twice OOCly that you may want to head in a different direction if you want to avoid those consequences to avoid having to retcon things later. But if that character keeps it up, they'd better be prepared to take what's coming to them.

  • ICA=ICC can be interesting to play, but in the Brotherhood, persistent misbehavior or saying the wrong thing to the wrong mutant on the wrong day can result in death. If you think something your character would say or do could have a bad reaction, you might ask the person (or people) you're playing with what you can expect. Warnings are nice, and we try to be forward about what may happen in a given RP, but don't expect much sympathy if you make a bad Hitler joke in front of Magneto and he drops a car on you for it. It's your job to take responsibility for what your character does or does not do just as much as it is ours to do the same for our characters.

In closing, the key to everything is common sense. And respect. Use them and you should be fine. Don’t, and you’d better keep a close eye on these rules to make sure you don’t cross the wrong line at the wrong time. Questions can be directed to me, Magneto, or game staff.