The Story Of DragonballRPG!

This is the story of DragonballRPG! Although, this might not be the most updated page on the entire website. It is just a baseline so you know what time period the RPG is set in, and a few of the major towns that the characters populate. You are in no way, shape, or form limited to these areas. You can RP anywhere you please! Though if you're off on an abandoned planet, don't expect to get much company!

The World In General

      The Yunzabit continent, 9th continent on the planet Earth between the Americas and the far East, is a place where dinosaurs and dragons live, and anything is possible. Here is the setting of all of the adventures in Dragonball and Dragonball Z, and one of the strangest continents ever created.

      The world of Dragonball Z is full of cities, all populated by NPC after NPC! South City, North City, West City, Briefstown, etc, etc! Tons of towns! Most of them are all the same, full of domed shaped buildings alongside towering skyscrapers.

Time Period

      The time period for this RPG is set after Z, but before GT!


Written in plain text. No artifical browsers or generators.
© 2000 A.D.