To Beat And Be Beaten

      Welcome to the rules section to DragonballRPG! These rules are here to make sure that we all have a good time playing, and keeps lamers from messing things up! This RPG is a FREEFORM RPG, which means there isn't a bot running things, but even freeform RPG's have rules, so bare with us. And by the end of reading all of this if you still have some questions feel free to message an OP. ^_^

      This Dragonball RPG is a free form one in that the battles and such are not handled by a bot, rolling dice, or anything of that matter. This means that you're being trusted to do things right. This means NO powergaming, godmoding, auto hitting, and close ended poses. If you don't know what this means here is a very simple example:
The Right Way
      *Goku flies up behind Frieza and uses his arms to try and wrap around the aliens neck and then attempt to snap it!
The Wrong Way
      *Goku flies beind Frieza and wraps his arms around the aliens neck, snapping it.

The Right Way Explanation
      In the first pose we see Goku flying up beind Frieza and then saying he is attempting to put his arms around Frieza's neck and then snap it. You see how there is no finality in the pose. Goku does not say he got his arms around Frieza's neck or that he actually snapped it. This is called an open-ended pose.
The Wrong Way Explanation
      In the second pose Goku simply grabs onto Frieza's neck and snaps it which doesn't allow for Frieza to do what is called a counter pose, a response to another persons attack or movement. This is called a closed-pose and is NOT allowed.

Counter Posing
A counter pose would be like the following:
      *Goku flies up behind Frieza and uses his arms to try and wrap around the aliens neck and then attempt to snap it!
      *Frieza reaches his arms up and grabs onto Goku's before they can fully grab around his neck. He then brings his left leg up to try and smash into Goku's leg.
      *Goku groans as Frieza hits his leg into his own but he still manages to keep his arms in place, trying to snap the aliens neck.

And so the fight would continue on as such. Just remember when you are fighting to leave everything open, don't assume your character will automatically hit even if you believe it will. You never know what the other character might do in a certain situation.

      No powergaming! If you powergame you will be kick/banned from the channel. If you don't know what powergaming is, see the examples below.
      No being all-knowing and all-seeing. This means if your character is in one area of the world, and you see some people rping their characters on the other side, you do not know what those characters are doing, nor do you have any knowledge of their events. You are not a god.
Character Approval
      Characters must meet approval by an Op, no matter what! Dont say you got registrered just by submitting a character, we have to say yes or no, and our say is final. You maybe be asked to re-write some things about your character, if you are refused it will be for a reason and sometimes corrections can be made so you can still play the character! Also, please be original with your characters, don't make them the son of this and the father of that and the ultimate of this and destiny forthcoming gobbldeegook! Know what I mean? Be original, leave room for your character to develop, think about your character! Write a good and interesting background! It'll make everything go a lot smoother and help make your character a lot more interesting, trust me.
Character Building

      I am Gokou's Illegitamite son, I come from another dimension, I wanna become a Super Saiyan.
            Okay, that's a bit extreme there, but you'd be suprised how many people send in apps similar to this. Please be original with your characters, don't make them the son of this and the father of that and the ultimate of this and destiny forthcoming gobbldeegook! Know what I mean? Be original, leave room for your character to develop, think about your character! Write a good and interesting background! It'll make everything go a lot smoother and help make your character a lot more interesting and more fun to RP with! Trust me.

      But..... He's Dead...
            "I want to play Bardock." "But, he died." "But he's really cool!" "He's dead man. And this RPG takes place about 20 or so years after the Bardock story." "But he's really cool man and he got wished back with the Dragonballs!" "He's been dead too long to be wished back with the Dragonballs." "But I wanna play him!"
            Ok, I hope that gets the point across. This is a story based RPG. Story means everything here (Moreso than the battles that are fought) so saying 'They get wished back with the Dragonballs' will not cut it. If you can think of a cool, innovative way to bring the person back that you want to play, then run it by us. Saying 'he gets wished back with the Dragonballs' though, will not work.

No Stealing Moves
      Original characters can NOT have another's attack without the possible consent of an operator. If your character has never met Vegeta or Krillin, how is he going to be able to do a Big Bang Attack or Destructo Disc? See further down the page for information on learning these things in actual RP.

God Characters
      My character can take on Super Saiyan 3 Gokou and Buu at the same time while drinking a can of Pepsi.
            That's a little exagerrated sure, but what I mean is: making a character to be introduced to the rpg that is already nearly as powerful as the main characters isn't too fair. Instead, use gradual development for your character. You know, train, have him create learn new attacks or whatever (with permission of the Ops of course) , delve deeper into his/her ability! Remember, Gokou and the others trained for years (decades actually) to become as strong as they are.

Becoming Super Saiyan
      If you're playing a Saiyan, I'm sure you want to know how you can become a Super Saiyan. First off, you need to have an OP's approval. Second off, you need to have a real reason for it happening. Just being in the right P.L. range isn't good enough. One of the biggest examples of becoming a Super Saiyan is from the pain of loss. This keyed Goku, Vegeta's, and Gohan's transformation. Of course, there's more than one way to become a Super Saiyan, feel free to ask us if you're in the right P.L. to transform if you have an idea of how your character will become one.

Kamehameha's and So Forth
      The Kamehameha and other such moves are specific to each character. This was mentioned before, don't steal other peoples moves! Now, if your character is taught another one, you can learn it. However, before your character suddenly learns these new mystic and amazing powers, he's going to have to get an OP's approval. Like most things, you're going to need a reason to of learned a new move or power or technique or whatever you decide to call it. Tell us why your character found this new power, learned it, was taught it, or whatever. Just be sensible with this, please.

Dealing With Death And After Death
      Let's face it, characters in a Dragonball setting are going to die eventually, unless they're very lucky, or have a large group of friends that never leaves their side. Anyway, a few things about character death. Please, if you're the one trying to kill someone, talk about it with them in a page, this isn't a rule, but it is more or less polite to let the person OOCly know you're character is probably not going to stop until your character is dead. Remember, death in DBZ isn't so bad, there is an afterlife you can be in if you want, though it might get a bit lonely if no one else is dead.
Power Levels
      Although this RPG is not all about your character becoming the most powerful one ever (at least, that shouldn't be EVERYone's goal in life) there is still a power level system. Now, let me first say this is in no way a determination in who will win and who will lose in a battle. There's always a chance someone with a lower power level can beat someone with a higher power level. What if the lower power is faster than the larger power? What if the larger power has a weakness the lower power can exploit? There are many factors that can happen in a battle, and although your power level is important to know, it is not the biggest determination in who will win a battle.

      The Power Level system in DragonballRPG works as follows. Each character has their own Power Level, dependant on this power level, they are put in a range class. These range classes are to not only help give a better way to do battles with people stronger and weaker than you, but it keeps your power level a secret from the other characters! (If you really want to keep it a secret, that is. The only ones that will know your power level are you and the AOP's.) Don't go trying to say your PL is something else, either. Otherwise, you'll be kicked/banned.

      In general, people within one class of each other can probably have a good fight. People in the same class will have close fights. People within two classes of each other will probably have a slightly unbalanced fight and so on. Remember! Just because someone is a higher or lower class, it does not mean you will win or lose!
I can't stress this point enough!!!

Range Class Power Level General Notes
A 0-2,000 -
B 2,000-10,000 -
C 10,000-50,000 -
D 50,000-100,000 -
E 100,000-500,000 -
F 500,000-1,000,000 -
G 1,000,000-5,000,000 -
H 5,000,000-25,000,000 -
I 25,000,000-50,000,000 -
J 50,000,000-100,000,000 -
K 100,000,000-150,000,000 -
L Time To Stop Counting -

Raising Your Power Level
      Raising your Power Level (Or P.L.) is not a cut and dry case. Power levels will be raised depending on how reasonable it would be that it goes up. We're not going to be crazy about this and not let your character raise up in power levels, however, we're also not going to let you raise your P.L. up for no reason! Here's some reasons for raising your characters power level:

  • After a battle or two where it was a relatively close fight.            
  • After training for a long while.            
  • Dieing. (This is the hard way)

          These are just examples, if you have another reason your character's power level might of gone up, let us know! It's case by case, but please don't bug us constantly about getting it raised, otherwise it becomes annoying.

    Changing Your Power Level
          This is for those characters that have transformation powers in order to become more powerful than they currently are, such as being a Super Saiyan, or Frieza's changing forms. In general, each transformation will be determined by the OP's, depending on what the transformation is and what it does. More than likely, transforming will bump your range class up one or two.

    And now for the Plus Rules!
          +1: Now, having read the earlier rules, original chars are welcomed with open arms! What makes an rpg fun is the originality put into it. To do things wild, fun, and twisted, never been done before, is what makes an rpg great! Original (Well thought out and explained) characters are just fine with us. Cause, an rpg isn't fun and there's nowhere to expand if it has such restricting limits.
          If there are any other questions just ask an OP.


    Written in plain text. No artifical browsers or generators.
    © 2000 A.D.